New User Experience - How to Contact an Administrator or Receive Assistance
At various times throughout your experience with ICFiles, you might need some assistance in order to find exactly what you are looking for, or you might even need some technical support regarding ICFiles itself. When those times arrive, we suggest that you do a few things in order to get the best results.
1. Check the Knowledgebase - Knowledgebases are more effective, depending on how many questions are being asked about the subject, or bugs with the software. Let us know if your issue is not there and we can make a help file for you and anyone else who might encounter the same issues in the future.
2. Contact your Client Administrator aka Account Owner aka Your CPA or Lawyer via the ICFiles message system - Many times, your Administrator will be able to direct you exactly where you want to go because they are the ones who have uploaded the document(s).

3. Open our Live Chat with ICFiles Support - During normal business hours (M-F 9:00-5:00 CST) you have the option to type back and forth with one of our representatives and get some personalized assistance with understanding how the program works.

4. Submit a Ticket 24/7 to ICFiles Support - When we see a ticket that has been submitted, the support team then has a chance to read your concern and take it into account as we help all of our clients with ICFiles, making sure that your issue is dealt with in a timely manner.
