Folders - Delete

How Do I Delete a Client Folders

1. First, go to the "Client Folders" drop-down menu and search for All clients.  


2. Once you are on the Client List page, find your "Client." You can either check the box next to the client folder name or mouse over the client "Name," and a drop-down menu will give you the option to delete.  If you want to delete multiple client folders at one time, then check those boxes and click "Delete Checked Client Folders."

3. Let's assume you have a "Client Folder" with only one "User." If you delete the "Client Folder," the system does not delete the "User."  Go ahead and delete Jenson MFG 2 so you can see the rest of the process of removing the "User."

4. Say ok to delete.

5. Now go to the "User Logins" page and look for the "User" associated with Jenson MFG 2.

6. Delete the "User."  

** "Users" can have access to multiple folders at one time, so when deleting a "Client Folder," the system does not delete the "User."  The "User" will remain in the system but not have access to any folders.

Thank you, please call in or Submit a Ticket or ask for Live Support if you have any questions.