eSign - Signer's Experience

Instructions for Signing an eSign Document

1. You will receive an email, click "Go to Document."

2. When they click "Go to Document," the first page they will see is an eSignLive Consent form.
      You will need to "Accept" the consent, or the esignpackage will cancel. 

3. After signing, the signer can download the documents or get the documents from Signers can be ICFiles Users or non-Users. Non-Users will need to down the documents here or request them from the person who requested your signature.

4. In the example below, you would click to sign after you fill out the text block's required information. In this example, an SSN.

5. When all signers have signed, both the sender and the signers will get email notifications that the esignpackage is complete.

Thank you, please call in or Submit a Ticket or ask for Live Support if you have any questions.