DNS Hosting

Dear Client

I'm working on getting your new website template live.

I will need you to contact networksolutions.com and ask them to update your DNS.

If you need help with this, let us know. We will need your username and password for your networksolutions.com account.

This will get your website live:

Please point the domains "A" records to:

www. =

@/Blank =

GoDaddy Help file

If you want to move your email over to Service2Client's email server, then you will need to change the Name Server (NS) at networksolutions.com to point to:


If you need help with this, let us know. We will need your username and password for your networksolutions.com account.

We will also need a list of all your email addresses and passwords so we can get that set up before we make the switch.

Reply to this message with your list of email addresses or a note saying you would like to keep your email where it is.