Once a transaction has been signed, these documents need to be downloaded and stored in a safe place by both the signer and the sender. You may want to do this if you require hard copies of the signed transactions in the future. You will need to keep them stored locally, in backup, or the cloud.
Note that downloading the evidence summaries:
All Signers and Senders that have ICFiles access.
To download signed documents or evidence summaries, use the following procedure:
In ICFiles.com, Navigate to the Documents List page.
Select the files that you would like to download.
On the upper-left side of the page, click Zip Download.
After downloading, store your electronic copy in a safe place.
In the OneSpan signing widget.
Upload right you will find download options.
At the end of the signing process, you will be given the option to download.
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For faster and more reliable delivery, add helpdesk@service2client.com to your trusted senders list in your email software.