ICFiles - Tips on Managing Your Data Block

If you are over your Data Block, there are a few options that you can implement to control the disk space your company uses.

  1. 12-Month Data Usage Report
  2. Upgrade and save 30% to 70%
  3. Search & Delete
  4. Client Folder view
  5. Video Tutorial

  • The first option is to have a company policy on settings an auto-delete date when uploading files. 
    • For example, you could tell your employees to set an Auto Delete Date of 24 months when uploading.  
    • Since your clients can search ICFiles for deleted files and request that you reupload them, there is little chance of losing track of which file is missing from a client's account.

  • The second option, you can see your Usage Report under the "Administration" dropdown menuThis will help you analyze your cost-benefit for upgrading.
    • Use the "Select a Data Block to add." drop-down to change your proposed data block size. 
    • The Cost Difference column in the report will change based on the proposed data block size, and you will be able to see your projected cost savings over the next 12 months, assuming your data usage pattern remains similar to the last 12 months.
    • Some professions have months during the year when their usage is higher than normal, so the question of whether to upgrade can sometimes be challenging, but the general rule is more than 1 GB over for more than six months out of twelve months. 
    • 1 GB of upgrade is roughly $5.00 as opposed to 1 GB of overage, which is $20.00. ( *this example is based on a 1 GB account )
    • When you find a saving amount you like, you can order that space for yearly or monthly billing at the bottom of the Usage Report.
    • Order Yearly
    • Order Monthly
  • The third option, use the Magnifying Glass icon to search all files by date, size, and folder, select all the old files and delete them.  You don't have to worry about deleting files. ICFiles tracks all deleted files, allows your clients to search for deleted files, and sends you a request to re-upload them.

  • Request Re-Upload - With this function, your clients can search for deleted documents and request that you reupload them.

  • In the fourth option, on the All Client Folder List page, you can find the folders with the most megabytes of storage on the right. This will help you track down the clients using the most space. 

  • Now go to that Client's Folder View and use the Sort by Document Size, select the largest files you don't need online anymore, and delete them.

Work Flow Space Management Video Tutorial

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