Failed Login - Best Practices - Usernames and Passwords

Error-Free Login Instructions:

1.   Your username can be carefully typed by hand, but if a letter is in question, for example, a lowercase "L" and a capital "i," use option 2.


2.   It can be copied and pasted from the Welcome Email.

  • The best option for the copy function is to double-click on the word you want to copy. In this case, the username. A double click should select only the word and not "empty space."

    You can test the double click on this UserName23$
    ** Double Click does not work on some mobile devices, and some browsers will select an "empty white space."

  • If double-clicking does not work, try the copy function by selecting from left to right. Depending on your browser, this may be more accurate than selecting from right to left.

    You can test the selecting from left to right on this Password-21 

Thank you, please call in or Submit a Ticket or ask for Live Support if you have any questions.
